How i4cu Ltd was born

The simplest of problems…Perhaps it is my scientific training and background but I 'hate' simple problems. Don't get me wrong, I am not referring to easy problems. I am referring to those problems that are fundamental and simple because you cannot break them to any further constituent parts. So, you are stuck! Either you can find a solution or you cannot. Ditto with Information Management. We broke down the problem to storing data, retrieving data, searching, creating specialised environments (the CRMs and CMSs...) and displaying all this is in a spectacular manner on very colourful and detailed screens. Have we solved the fundamental problem? Can we claim that we can use and manage our Information Assets?

What are Information Assets?

Information Assets are real business assets and we must treat them as such.
There is a good English adage that if you only have a hummer, every screw is a nail! That’s pretty much the situation when people try to explain what an Information Asset is. The economist will try to define and calculate the value, the IT professionals will explain how to store and use data securely, the legal people how to protect it and so on. But an Information Asset is more than the sum of its parts...