How to build and maintain trust

Trust is precious, delicate, sensitive, difficult to build and easy to lose. Trust makes the world go around – not money! The first banks were created on trust (check out The Ascent of Money by Niall Ferguson) and the last banks will disappear because trust evaporated (check out BlockChain!).

Line of sight - never lose it with i4cu

It always fascinated me how readily we are prepared to forget or dilute universal principles just because some (often irrelevant!) parameters in our environment changed. That sounds philosophical, so let me give you a down to earth example. You are driving in a busy road, one of your favourite songs comes up and you start day-dreaming. Well, the road is still busy, you can easily have a bump and you are day-dreaming. You lost your ‘line of sight’, your 'connection', to what really matters and that’s not very wise! So, the truth here is that the density of traffic increases the probabilities of an accident and day-dreaming does not help you at all in managing the situation successfully. Your favourite song does not help you at all navigating the situation.
And it is not different in our professional lives. Why? Simply because we lose ‘line of sight’ too often by unnecessary complexity and noise creeping into our business reality and blurring our vision.

Are you falling into information debt?

Monetary debt is not necessarily a bad thing – it can accelerate wealth creation. The notion of ‘gearing’ is an old one and it is very effective if used with purpose, intelligently and with prudence. The rule of thumb is to borrow no more than 35% of the disposable income. Business or personal finances are the same – 35% gearing is the magic number.
Sadly, there is another type of debt that businesses and professionals can slowly fall into and before realising it, can find themselves in an impossible situation having to spend significant resources to ‘serve’ this debt and survive or else lose their market/customers. It is the Information Debt.